Architectural Steel Cladding Profile

TRS Interlocking Panel Architectural Steel Cladding

TRS Interlocking Panel

TRS Interlocking architectural steel roofing and cladding with recessed joint appearance.

TRS Interlocking Panels feature an interlocking groove that creates an elegant recessed joint appearance. Unlike traditional panels, they do not require a plywood substrate. Instead, they are secured directly onto 20 mm cavity battens using concealed mechanical fixings.

This system can be installed horizontally or vertically over synthetic building wrap and 20 mm cavity battens, much like timber weatherboards. Its design offers versatility, easy installation, and a sleek, seamless finish.


Interlocking panels are perfect for both new homes and existing buildings. They are installed similarly to conventional weatherboard planks, delivering a finished appearance that closely mimics Rusticated Weatherboard wood paneling. This provides a timeless and sophisticated look.

Areas of application could include:

  • Facade
  • Soffits
  • Fascias
  • Chimney Cladding
  • Interior Feature Walls

Panel Details

Only suitable for wall cladding;
Negative joint size – 2 – 25 mm;
Variable Pan size from 155 to 260 mm unsupported;
Pan size over 260 mm (not recommended) will require back support. We will use fire rated POLYFOAM 24 mm;
Maximum panel length – 6.0 m for pre-painted steel; 4.0 m for any other material;
Minimum panel length – 500 mm (0.5 m)

Only can be manufactured in the following materials:

  • Copper
  • Stainless Steel
  • Titanium Zinc
  • Aluminum
  • Vitor+, Vitor+ ZX or LUX


Panel Depth: Fixed at 24 mm.
Flat Pan Width: Variable between 155 mm and 260 mm without requiring back support. For widths exceeding 260 mm, backing may be needed. For panel widths over 400 mm, consult The Roofing Store Technical Team for guidance.
Recessed Joint Width: Adjustable between 2 mm and 25 mm.
Maximum Panel Length: Depends on the material due to thermal expansion and contraction:

  • Copper, Zinc, Aluminium, or Stainless Steel: Maximum recommended length is 4.0 m.
  • Pre-Painted Steel: Maximum recommended length is 6.0 m.
The Roofing Store Manukau branch building featuring interlocking panel cladding.
Diagram of the interlocking panel system with adjustable pan and joint dimensions.

Span Table

High ~ Extra High Wind Zone600 mm
Medium700 mm
Low800 mm

See below for TRS Interlocking Panel product specifications and downloadable files:

Colour & Finish Options – Vitor+ and Vitor+ ZX

Logo for Vitor+ Steel Roofing and Cladding Protective Coating

Common Features

Five Layers of Protection: Both Vitor+ and Vitor+ ZX are built with a robust 5-layer system, including a durable aluminum-zinc alloy coating (200g/m²), primer layers, and an optional protective film for added resilience.
Steel Substrate Options: Available in 0.4mm and 0.55mm thicknesses, providing flexibility to meet varying project needs.
Wide Colour Range: Offered in a wide range of colours, both finishes combine style with durability, allowing designers to bring their vision to life effortlessly.

Logo for Vitor+ ZX Steel Roofing and Cladding Protective Coating

Key Differences

Vitor+: Perfect for moderate environments, Vitor+ is suited to projects located 100–500m from the coast. It delivers reliable performance and is an excellent choice for projects where environmental exposure is less severe.
Vitor+ ZX: Engineered for harsh environments, Vitor+ ZX excels in marine coastal areas and locations with high UV exposure. It provides enhanced durability, outstanding gloss, and extended warranties when used in more moderate settings.

Please note: all colours are available in 0.40mm. Colours marked with * are also available in 0.55mm.

Colour & Finish Options – Lux

Lux is a revolutionary steel coating that will transform how you approach building materials. Lux combines the strength and durability of prepainted steel with the designer aesthetic of materials like wood, zinc, corten, fabric, or stone. Like our other steel coatings, Lux is engineered to provide maximum colour retention, exceptional formability, superior durability, and outstanding gloss in any weather condition.

Logo for Lux Steel Metal Roofing and Cladding Protective Coating

Please note:
All Lux finishes are available in 0.55mm base metal thickness, Grade G300, and are suitable for a wide range of architectural roofing, internal and external wall claddings, rainwater goods, and general applications.

While every effort has been made to match the displayed colours as closely as possible to the true colours, digital colour limitations may result in slight variations. For an exact colour match, please request a physical colour swatch from your local store.

Some profiles may have a limited colour range. For more information, consult with your local branch.
You can find the nearest local store by clicking here.

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